Well Ground Breaking Ceremony
These are the pictures of the ground breaking ceremony as a cross section of the community leadership start the project by digging on the site of the well location.

These are the pictures of the ground breaking ceremony as a cross section of the community leadership start the project by digging on the site of the well location.
Hey everyone,
It’s time for a Winter Fundraiser for the Koinonia Trust.
What could be more braver than a dip in the ice cold Atlantic Ocean on one of the most special days of the year?
Christmas Day is a day for giving- unwrapping neatly wrapped presents under the Christmas tree and enjoying good food and classic Christmas movie favourites with our families.
This year, while I look forward to the celebrations, I also want to take a little time to give something back to a cause that is close to my heart and I am asking you to please show a little support if you can.
To support the fundraiser and donate please click the GoFundMe me link below.
The Koinonia trust continues to work amidst Covid-19. Unfortunately funding we had hoped to get internally in Liberia has been diverted to support the limited health services.
Therefore, as we move in to 2021, the Koinonia Trust is facing uncertain times as resources are limited. Operational fees such as the rent on the compound will be due in early Spring. These premises is the epi-centre of where all the amazing project work takes place- right in the heart of the community.
It is not just the hub for all operational activities but also homes to some of our most valuable assets- the project workers.
Welcome to The Koinonia Trust autumn newsletter issue no.4
Psalm 26: 7 (KJV) that I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of that wondrous works.
In a time such as this we often think of the problems before us and forget to count our blessings one by one and see what God has done for us. As an organization there many things we need to reflect on and be grateful to our Creator and give Him thanks. Let us look at the shoreline and not focus on the storm we find ourselves in. Let us set our eyes on Jesus who gives us that peace that surpasses all understanding. When I reflect over the last three years ago and see where we have come from and where we are as an organization, God has been with our every step alongside you as prayer intercessors, funders and encouragers and I can only praise the Lord hallelujah. It has not been an easy journey but has been an awesome experience. We started as a team of two persons Frances and myself, now by the grace of God we have seven volunteers, volunteering with their individual skills, talents and time. As Frances continues to mentor and coach the team in Liberia, I can see the transformation in our leadership reflected in our own emotional and mental stability as she encourages us to spiritual maturity. We are praying to continue to fulfill the vision of The Koinonia Trust as we seek to bring healing, hope and beauty from the ashes of people’s lives.
The Koinonia Trust continues to work in our local community amidst COVID-19 and the donor support we receive at this time is crucial.
Unfortunately the core funding we had hoped to get in the second half of 2020 from organization’s internally in Liberia has been diverted to support the limited health services and we now have very little resources and funds going in to 2021.
If you could help by donating, organising a fundraiser or supporting us in anyway please contact us.
You can easily donate via Pay Pal by clicking the link below
Thank You
Frances Swaray – Founder The Koinonia Trust
Hello to everyone, it is a blessing to be alive with the opportunity to serve God.
Despite the onset of COVID-19 here in Liberia we have been continuing to work with and alongside the community and our programs at the Koinonia Trust are ongoing.
We have started the study classes, sewing class and have started the youth football program, the program consists of 30 boys. We have also started organising our community choristers.
Momo Kinnie – President The Koinonia Trust
A BIG thank you to the Mandala Trust from all the boys in the Koinonia Trust Football Club Team for the new kits and training gear that we have received.
We thank the Mandala Trust for the support of our education projects with the addition of more Books and printing materials.
The construction of additional outside classrooms for the Homework Club. The structure is designed so it can be taken down and re-erected if we ever have to move but gives us more space to accommodate more kids.
The money raised by Terri from the sale of Easter chicks purchased bibs and cones for the Koinonia Trust Football Team. They are now back training and this has given them a boost while the study classes remain furloughed.