One excellent way you can support us is by sending us a Blue Barrel with resources or supplies. This will help to keep us operational on a day to day basis and that would be far more expensive for us to source in Liberia.
What can you send us in a Blue Barrel that will help our work on the ground.

Educational Materials
Something that can be very difficult to source in Liberia are children's educational and craft materials. Reading books, early learning toys, jigsaws, coloring pens, pencils and coloring books are always welcome.

Sports Equipment
Sports equipment can also be challenging to get and we are specifically looking for Soccer and Volleyball equipment. For example, Volley and Soccer balls, a Volleyball net and pumps. We would be very grateful to you to receive any sports equipment.

If you have any used but usable technology you have upgraded from we are always happy to take your old Tech items. We would welcome your used laptops, a projector, a video recorder and a digital camera to help with our education projects.