Newsletter Issue No 13
Welcome to the Autumn 2024 edition of the Koinonia Trust Newsletter Issue No 13. This issue contains project updates about Trauma Healing Groups, Tailoring Classes and the Koinonia Trust Football Teams plus reflections from Momo and Frances.
Reflection from Momo
Matthew 8 vs 8
‘But the centurion answered Him, Lord I am not worthy to have you come under my roof, but only say the Word, and my servant will be healed’.
When I reflect on the faith of this Gentile soldier it encourages me to know there is nothing impossible for God for those who believe and trust in Jesus. The Word of God has the power to transform peoples lifes, mend broken hearts and heal every wound. As we move into another new year of projects this is my prayer not only for others but for ourselves.
Reflection from Frances
Micah 6 vs 8
‘He has told you O man what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God’.
This verse has been challenging me in the way I view others or live everyday life. We are living in such a broken and uncertain world and here is the direct instruction from the Lord in how we ought to live in it. To advocate for those who are vulnerable, oppressed by government policy or who are struggling to meet everyday essentials. God reminds to love and to show kindness to everyone I encounter regardless of who they are or their attitude towards me. This too is my prayer for the team of The Koinonia Trust both in Liberia and Ireland. May we walk humbly with God day by day through life’s mountains and valleys. Always seeking to treat everyone we encounter with dignity.